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We are saddened by the news of President Fiordaliso’s passing. He was a champion for the clean energy transition and we are thankful for his contributions over his accomplished career. He was a true leader and friend who will be sorely missed

Campaign to advance equitable, affordable clean energy policies in New Jersey and counter misinformation New Jersey environmental advocates today launched the Clean Energy Action Now (CLEAN) campaign to raise awareness of the health, economic and climate benefits of an equitable clean energy future for New Jersey. The campaign supports the urgent adoption of policies that […]

A recent report by Acadia Center finds that some residents who upgrade to electric appliances can save up to 69% on energy bills when paired with weatherization. Based on winter 2022-2023 utility rates, Acadia Center analysts found that New Jerseyans who live in poorly insulated gas homes can save $1,550 to $3,240 each year, a range of 47% to […]

Looking around over the past year, it’s clear that costs are up. Whether it’s the price of eggs, escalating rent or childcare costs, New Jersey families are feeling the pinch. The methane gas we use to heat our homes is not immune. In the past two years, gas rates have skyrocketed by 51% in New […]

The Murphy administration plans to devote most of its investments from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to pay for decarbonizing buildings and electrifying the transportation sector in environmental-justice communities. In its second, three-year strategic plan for determining where hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent, the administration says it will use the investments to […]

Report: New Jersey gas customers can save up to thousands of dollars annually by weatherizing, converting to electric appliances like heat pumps Acadia Center Report finds that some residents who upgrade to electric appliances can save up to 69% on energy bills when paired with weatherization, find relief from volatile fossil fuel prices TRENTON, NJ, […]